Holistic Nutritional Coaching
Finding What Works For You!
With the abundance of information available regarding nutrition it would seem to be easy to start a healthier approach with food. That being said it can be a daunting task because how do you know which is the best way to begin for you?? I've been there too, and it is through my own journey with a lifetime of digestive discomfort and finding the tools that have made a significant difference that I am here to help you begin healing from the inside out.
Having A Healthy Digestive System Is The Number One Way To Age Well
Paying attention to what we feed our body is a good beginning
It all starts with digestion, where the food you eat is broken down and converted into energy and bioavailable nutrients for the cells to absorb and distribute throughout your body. Your digestive track is a complex intricate internal operating system that is crucial for every other body system to work efficiently. When we are not digesting properly, we end up with all kinds of chronic conditions that slowly take their toll not just on our physical wellbeing but our emotional balance as well.
By establishing a healthy balanced digestive system, you will have more energy, feel younger and heal your body one system at a time. Finding what foods work for you is the key to changing everything. There is no diet that works for the masses and most doctors do not have the time it takes to figure out your silent food sensitivities. Eating foods that reduce inflammation and improve your mood gives you an unbelievable boost in self-esteem and inner power.
Skip The Fad Diets.....Keep It Simple
Real Food Doesn't Come In a Box or A Bag or a Drive Through Window!!
When we truly understand there is no one quite like us then maybe we can have a more realistic approach to healing our own body and mind through making changes that work solely for us. It kind of lightens the load and makes this a new way to look at ourselves without comparison and an unrealistic time frame.
Healthy eating is different than dieting, and by slightly changing our lifestyle and grocery shopping habits surprising things can happen. Expanding our knowledge base and learning more about food and the benefits that eating real organic food can have on our wellbeing and longevity can be very exciting. It doesn't have to be overwhelming; learning bite sized chunks of nutritional information makes shopping a new experience and makes us more in control in our life on many levels. We cannot possibly know everything about nutrition even with all we have learned doing research on the internet. Making healthy choices can be challenging because of the overabundance of information we acquire.
Sometimes all we need is a push in the right direction to have a new perspective with our health. As we age and watch our body transition, we are hoping for the magic diet to help us regain our tight youthful body. There are hundreds of fad diets that people swear by and yet for some reason those diets haven't seemed to miraculously take off those 10 extra pounds and keep them off! Realistically a diet cannot work for thousands of people; we are each unique biological humans and require different nutrients, caloric intake and exercise that complements our physiology and biology.
Real Food Doesn't Come In A Box!
It is cleaverly hidden on the permiter of the store
Being Unhealthy Is BIG Business
You keep their wheel greased
You might ask yourself at this point why would they do this??? Well quite simply it's a profitable business and the players are Big Agro (Monsanto, Dole, Del Monte, Purdue, etc.), Big Pharma (Moderna, Pfizer, J& J, Merck etc.), and your friendly neighborhood doctor (sponsored by Big Pharma and promoting Big Agro). Not all doctors are caught up in this loop but if you are on more than two prescriptions daily and no one has suggested alternative healthy options to support the body maybe its time for you to make new choices for your health.
The adage "you are what you eat" holds value when the Standard American Diet (SAD) was/is the template used to teach us how to eat. The SAD is a combination of high carbohydrates, processed sugar and saturated fats that has led to an array of chronic dis-ease. Dr, Gregor, who is well known for his bestselling book "How Not To Die" points out some important statistics. "According to the US Department of Agriculture estimates, 32 percent of our calories come from animal products, 57 percent from processed (dead) plant foods, and only 11 percent from whole grains, beans, fruits, vegetables and nuts. That means on a scale of one to ten the SAD would rate about a one."
The Opportunity For a Healthier Life Is Right Here For You
Customized Nutrition Plans That Fit YOUR Lifestyle
3 Month Plan
Getting Your Feet Wet
per month
2 - one hour remote nutritional consultations per month with customized class material to download.
Worksheets for next session
4 - healthy recipes sent after each session tailored to your specific healing needs.
Email correspondence available for additional questions and concerns along the way
6 Month Plan
Going for It!
per month
2 - one hour remote nutritional consultations per month with customized class material to download.
Worksheets for next session
4 - healthy recipes sent after each session tailored to your specific healing needs
1 - remote EMR session
1 - custom rollerball per month
Email correspondence available for additional questions and concerns along the way
6 Month Ultimate
All the bells and Whistles
per month
2 - remote 60 minute nutritional consultations per month with customized class material to download, with worksheets for next session
4 - healthy recipes sent after each session tailored to your specific healing needs.
1 - remote EMR session
1 - custom rollerball
1 - remote 90 minute Bioenergetic Consultation and Scan
5 - infoceuticals to compliment the scan
1 - Pantry Detox Session
Email correspondence available for additional questions and concerns along the way
Reach Out To Jennifer And Let's Talk About Your Concerns
Sometimes before we commit it helps to connect with one another
Are you ready to get your life and health back? There is nothing better than investing in yourself than with a custom nutritional program to help you reach your health goals.
Have an amazing day,
Jennifer MacDowell HC
Certified Holistic Nutrition Coach
Emotional Memory Release Founder
Certified Bioenergetic Practitioner
Sign up for a complimentary 15 minute Health Consultation today!
©High Road Holistic 2022